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Popular press


Frogs Mount Speedy Defence Against Pesticide Threat --


Study Raises Questions About EPA's Pesticide Risk-Assessment Scheme -- The New York Times


Jefferson Project: Response to agrochemicals is paved by predators -- The approach (RPI)


Jefferson Project: Road Salt Stress on Vernal Pools -- The approach (RPI)


Peer-reviewed publications


In press / Under review


Jones, D.K., Quinlin, K.A., Wigren, M.A., Choi, Y.J., Sepúlveda, M.S., Lee, L.S., Haskins, D.L., Lotufo, G.R., Kennedy, A., May, L., Harmon, A., Biber, T., Melby, N., Chanov, M.K., Hudson, M.L., Key, P.B., Chung, K.W., Moore, D.W., Suski, J.G., Wirth, E.F., Hoverman, J.T. Accepted pending revisions. Acute toxicity of 8 aqueous film-forming foams to 14 aquatic species. 




Jones, D.K., Hua, J., Mattes, B.M., Cothran, R.D., Hoverman, J.T., Relyea, R.A. 2021. Predator- and competitor-induced responses in amphibian populations that evolved different levels of pesticide tolerance. Ecological Applications 31(4):e02305.  Abstract


Lewis, J.L., Borrelli, J.J., Jones, D.K., Relyea, R.A. 2021. Effects of freshwater salinization and biotic stressors on amphibian morphology. Ichthyology & Herpetology 109(1):157-164.  Abstract


Lewis, J.L., Agostini, G., Jones, D.K., Relyea, R.A. 2021. Cascading effects of insecticides and road salt on wetland communities. Environmental Pollution 272:116006.  Abstract




Leggett, S., Borrelli, J.J., Jones, D.K., Relyea, R.A. 2020. The combined effects of road salt and biotic stressors on amphibian sex ratios. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(1):231-235.  Abstract

Jones, D.K., Davila, D.D., Nguyen, K.H., Rohr, J.R. Effect of agrochemical exposure on Schistosoma mansoni cercariae survival and activity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39(7):1421-1428.  Abstract


Schuler, M.S., Hintz, W.D., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Stoler, A.B., Relyea, R.A. 2020. The effects of nutrient enrichment and invasive mollusks on freshwater environments. Ecosphere 11(10):e03196.  Abstract


Blaustein, A.R., Jones, D.K., Urbina, J., Cothran, R.D., Harjoe, C., Mattes, B.M., Buck, J.C., Bendis, R.J., Dang, T.D., Gervasi, S.S., Relyea, R.A. 2020 Effects of invasive larval bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) on disease transmission, growth and survival in the larvae of native amphibians. Biological Invasions 22:1771-1784.  Abstract




Hintz, W.D., Schuler, M.S., Jones, D.K., Coldsnow, K., Stoler, A.B., Relyea, R.A. 2019. Nutrients influence the multi-trophic impacts of an invasive species unaffected by native competitors or predators. Science of the Total Environment  694(133704):1-10.  Abstract


Hernández-Gómez, O., Kimble, S.J.A., Hua, J., Wuerthner, V.P., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Cothran, R.D., Relyea, R.A., Hoverman, J.T. 2019. Local adaptation of the MHC class IIβ gene in populations wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) correlates with proximity to agriculture. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 73:197-204.  Abstract




Hintz, W.D., Jones, D.K., Relyea, R.A. 2018. Evolved tolerance to freshwater salinization in zooplankton: life-history trade-offs, cross-tolerance and reducing cascading effects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374(1764):e20180012.  Abstract


Lind, L., Schuler, M.S., Hintz, W.D., Stoler, A.B., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Relyea, R.A. 2018. Salty fertile lakes: how salinization and eutrophication alter the structure of freshwater communities. Ecosphere 9(9):e02383.  Abstract


Jones, D.K., Yates, E.K., Mattes, B.M., Hintz, W.D., Schuler, M.S., Relyea, R.A. 2018. Timing and frequency of sublethal exposure modifies the induction and retention of increased insecticide tolerance in wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37(8):2188-2197.  Abstract




Jones, D.K., Hintz, W.D., Schuler, M.S., Yates, E.K., Mattes, B.M., Relyea, R.A. 2017Inducible tolerance to agrochemicals was paved by evolutionary responses to predators. Environmental Science and Technology 51(23):13913-13919.  Abstract


Hua, J., Wuerthner, V.P., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Cothran, R.D., Relyea, R.A., Hoverman, J.T. 2017. Evolved pesticide tolerance influences susceptibility to parasites in amphibians. Evolutionary Applications 10(8):802-812.  Abstract


Stoler, A.B., Mattes, B.M., Hintz, W.D., Jones, D.K., Lind, L., Schuler, M.S., Relyea, R.A. 2017. Effects of a common insecticide on wetland communities with varying quality of leaf litter inputs. Environmental Pollution 226:452-462.  Abstract


Stoler, A.B., Hintz, W.D.,  Jones, D.K., Lind, L.,  Schuler, M.S., Relyea, R.A. 2017. Leaf litter mediates the negative effect of road salt on forested wetland communities. Freshwater Science 36(2):415-426.  Abstract


Schuler, M.S., Hintz, W.D., Jones, D.K., Lind, L., Mattes, B.M., Stoler, A.B., Sudol, K., Relyea, R.A.. 2017. How common road salts and organic additives alter freshwater food webs: in search of safe alternatives. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(5):1353-1361.  Abstract


Hintz, W.D., B.M. Mattes, M.S. Schuler, D.K. Jones, A.B. Stoler, L. Lind, and R.A. Relyea. 2017. Salinization triggers a trophic cascade in experimental freshwater communities with varying food-chain length. Ecological Applications 27(3):833-844.  Abstract


Stoler, A.B., Walker, B.M., Hintz, W.D., Jones, D.K., Lind, L., Mattes, B.M., Schuler, M.S., Relyea, R.A. 2017. Combined effects of road salt and an insecticide on wetland communities. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36(3):771-779. Abstract


Jones, D.K., Dang, T.D., Urbina, J., Bendis, R.J., Buck, J.C., Cothran, R.D., Blaustein, A.R., Relyea, R.A. 2017. Effect of simultaneous amphibian exposure to pesticides and an emerging fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Environmental Science and Technology 51(1):671-679.  Abstract


Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Hintz, W.D., Schuler, M.S., Stoler, A.B., Lind, L.A., Cooper, R.O., Relyea, R.A. 2017. Investigation of road salts and biotic stressors on freshwater wetland communities. Environmental Pollution 221:159-167.  Abstract




Jones, D.K., Hua, J., Relyea, R.A. 2016. Effects of endosulfan in freshwater pond communities. Freshwater Science 35(1):152-163.  Abstract




Hua, J., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Cothran, R.D., Relyea, R.A., Hoverman, J.T. 2015. Evolved pesticide tolerance in amphibians: Predicting mechanisms based on pesticide novelty and mode of action. Environmental Pollution 206:56-63.  Abstract


Jones, D.K., Relyea, R.A. 2015. Here today, gone tomorrow: Short-term retention of pesticide-induced tolerance in amphibians. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(10):2295-2301.  Abstract


Hua, J., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Cothran, R.D., Relyea, R.A., Hoverman, J.T. 2015. The contribution of phenotypic plasticity to the evolution of insecticide tolerance in amphibian populations. Evolutionary Applications 8(6):586-596. Abstract




Hua, J., Jones, D.K., Relyea, R.A. 2014. Induced tolerance from a sublethal insecticide leads to cross-tolerance to other insecticides. Environmental Science and Technology 48(7):4078-4085.  PDF


Keiser, C.N., Jones, D.K., Modlmeier, A.P., Pruitt, J.N. 2014. Exploring the effects of individual traits and within-colony variation on task differentiation and collective behavior in an arid social spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68(5):839-850.  Abstract


Keiser, C.N., Modlmeier, A.P, Singh, N., Jones, D.K., Pruitt, J.N. 2014. Exploring how a shift in the physical environment shapes individual and group behavior across two social contexts. Ethology 120(8):825-833.  Abstract




Hammond, J.I., Jones, D.K., Stephens, P.R., Relyea, R.A. 2012. Phylogeny meets ecotoxicology: Evolutionary patterns of sensitivity to a common insecticide. Evolutionary Applications 5(6): 593-606.  Abstract


Jones, D.K., Hammond, J.I., Relyea, R.A. 2011. Competitive stress can make the herbicide Roundup® more deadly to larval amphibians. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2:446-454.  Abstract


Jones, D.K., Hammond, J.I., Relyea, R.A. 2010. Roundup® and amphibians: The importance of concentration, application time, and stratification. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:2016-2025.  Abstract


Jones, D.K., Hammond, J.I., Relyea, R.A. 2009. Very highly toxic effects of endosulfan across nine species of tadpoles: Lag effects and family-level sensitivity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:1939-1945.  Abstract


Relyea, R.A., Jones, D.K. 2009. The toxicity of Roundup Original MAX® to 13 species of larval amphibians. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:2004-2008.  Abstract

© 2021-Nov by Devin K. Jones

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